Saturday, April 21, 2012

Made in the U.S.A.

          When I find something I like, I like to share it with others.  I get excited over fun and unique products that are made in the U.S.A.  My husband actually found this and bought it for me; it is a metal water bottle with a mass transmit map of the subways in Boston.  He knew how much I would love a reminder of my time living in Boston and my adventures on the trains.  I thought it was such a neat idea that I looked the company up online--Liberty Bottle Works.  Not only did I love that the bottle is a U.S.A. product, Liberty is actually the only American maker of these metal water bottles.  The company has so many different designs, and I was truly impressed that they seek local artists to design the bottle art--I figured someone else might be just as excited about a water bottle!     

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